A System Built for an Internal Department

Surprisingly a young lady graduated for 2 years without any IT / programming background can learn how to build a simple system within 3 months.  A skill she learned and apply on real business management and process.  This is actually a successful digital transformation.

by non-tech staff, no coding necessary
A System built by non-technical people applying to business

A System built by non-technical people applying to business

In real life in business, very often we learn by doing, experimenting and experiencing, repeat and repeat.  That's how we learn, and how we grow in business.  The learning is discoveries while in the process no matter it's success or failure.  The knowledge, unspoken insights, experience and relationships are very often the key.  This project is an excellent example that a non-technical staff who graduated from university for only 2 years, nothing to do with IT nor technical subjects, can build a system in real life without coding.

This lady learned the skill of building a system using open-source for 3 months.  Immediately she applies in real life and surprisingly it worked.  This is the origin of BYOS, and benefits behind it.

Learning is not how much you know.  In real life, it is how much you can do.

This is a system built back at the end of 2017, and is now re-produced as a controlled demonstration.  If you are interested, please contact KF Cheng for a working system demonstration.

The Beginner's Project Site


Showcase specifics

The magic of success is that:

  • Learning how to build a system, logical mind and hands-on practice is necessary, no coding required.
  • A real-life project matching knowledge of business structure and how things are run is most important.
  • Proper teacher guidance and nearby assistance where questions can be asked any time.